A systemic fungicide called Aliette Fungicide is effective against Oomcytes fungi that cause diseases like downy mildew in grapes and damping-off and Azhukal in cardamom. There has been no mention of fungus developing resistance despite its extensive use since 1978. The application of Aliette is the finest preventative measure for downy mildew control in grapes due to its true systemic impact
Actions of Aliette Fungicide:
- Rapid absorption of a systemic fungicide occurs through the leaves or roots of the plant, with translocation occurring both acropetally and basipetally.
Aliette Fungicide’s benefits include:
Despite the fact that this active ingredient has been used extensively since its debut in 1978 due to its complicated mode of action, there have been no proven instances of fungal resistance developing to Aliette under actual use conditions.
The main Phycomycetes fungus of the Oomycete family that Aliette Fungicide effectively combats include Phytophthora, Pythium, Bremia, and Peronospora
Aliette is a real systemic fungicide that quickly penetrates the plant’s root or leaves and travels both upward and downward, primarily to the growing sections.
The resistance to rain is ensured via rapid absorption.
Incorporated resistance management is advised
Dosage of 3 gm/L (Drenching), 2 gm/L of water (Spray). 60 grams per acre
Technical information 80 WP Fosetyl Al (80% w/w)
Use Recommendations:
For best benefit, apply Aliette fungicide before the disease manifests.
Grapes: As soon as the grape crop reaches the 3 to 5 leaf stage following pruning, start spraying.
Cardamom: Apply a foliar spray when a disease first appears.