The Nature Science e-magazine is an independent and self-reliant publisher without any financial support from any external source. The payment received from the authors as submission fees is used to cover the operational cost and website maintenance of the e-magazine and e-newsletter. Since the articles submitted by the authors are required to be peer-reviewed and edited for publication, a nominal amount is collected from the authors.
The submission charges are as follows :
- For Bachelor’s (B.Sc.) or equivalent Student
Publication fees for a single article: 200 INR - For Master’s (M.Sc.) or equivalent Student
Publication fees for a single article: 250 INR - For Doctoral (Ph.D.) Scholars
Publication fees for a single article: 250 INR - For Research Associates / Assistant/Associate Professors / Professors / Scientists / SMS / JRF / SRF
Publication fees for a single article: 300 INR
For International Authors reach out to us for information regarding submission charges.
Nature Science e-magazine also provides annual memberships (Valid for a single author only for a year) for the article publication for the convenience of all. The charges for the same are as:
- Annual membership: 1249 INR
(For B.Sc. / M.Sc. Students and Ph.D. Scholars) - Annual membership: 1499 INR
(For Research Associates / Assistant/Associate Professors / Professors / Scientists / SMS / JRF / SRF)
The annual membership holders are entitled with the following benefits:
• Can publish 10 articles, with a limit of one article in each single issue for a period of one year.
• An e-certificate of annual membership with annual membership ID will be provided through your registered email.
• Information about upcoming programs/ webinars/ trainings etc. will be provided on regular basis.
The Annual membership is valid only for a single author (one co-author will be allowed) for that particular article. Extra charges of INR 100 will be charged for any other co-author.
The authors must inform the authorities beforehand through mail about the co-authors by citing your membership ID.
For registration for annual membership send an email at-,
Drop a WhatsApp message or call for more information – (+91) 9877410003
The payment can be done through the provided payment information- PAY HERE